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contacting rh

Rather than have you navigate through a traditional Store Locator, we'd like you to contact us for directions to yarn shops carrying our yarn.

We like the interaction.
And, if you aren't close to a yarn shop that can help you acquire our gorgeous yarns, this website's here for you. So email, call, or order online.

It's all about engaging! It's all about our shared passion for great yarn!

Fur and Feathers

For those who already know me, I’m something of a French Bulldog fanatic, having more than my partner, Robert, would like, occasionally breeding, more than occasionally showing, and I love to share that joy.

Robert, who's a retired biologist, has had a life-long interest in aviculture which, now, he's limiting to a passion for Blue-crowned Motmots. In our Fur & Feather page, we're taking the opportunity to share with you the delights of animals, the environment, and other things that sweeten life.

That's Rhichard.

With fibre-dyeing in his genes, Rhichard's journey to master dyer and beyond has incorporated involvement in hand-spinning, hand-weaving, a line of one-of-a-kind clothing and accessories, shepherding a flock of merinos, and dancing in the creation of colourways inspired by experience and imagination.


eMail: rhicharddevrieze[at] 
Phone: +1 (519) 379-2716